And put a lot, too, because items sell quickly! Include a cash register for most businesses, and it's good to have a restroom. If you are selling something, put the smaller items on shelves. I recommend a home business for something like a flower or toy shop, but a community lot for a restaurant or bowling alley. Build the business!!! You can either make this on a community lot, or you can make your Sim have a home business.If they have Mechanical, you might want to make them own a toy business. Are they good at cooking? Then you might want to make them have a bakery. Figure out what skills your Sim has, too.
Be creative, and use your other expansion packs (if any) to your advantage. You can make a Flower Shop, a Toy Store, an Arcade, a Pet Store, a Grocery Store, a Nightclub, a Restaurant/Diner, a salon, a bakery, a Furniture Store, or a Bowling Alley.